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Welcome to the Grace & Growth Podcast: a positive community where we read books, talk corn and farming, kids, life and personal growth. 

Sep 24, 2020

In episode 12, I share the backstory of how and when farm life happened to us.  I go through our decision and my own path to finding what works for me and my personality as far as making my own way as a farm wife.  

Find more farm photos and stories on Instagram @addie.yoder and Facebook at Grace & Growth with...

Sep 17, 2020

I love sharing my friends with you.  In this episode of G&GwithA, I bring to you Crystal Blin (@crystalcattle on all platforms).  Crystal is a farm girl, a lipstick expert and and small business owner from Iowa.  She is going to share how she built a business in her way with her friends and you are going to love...

Sep 10, 2020

As you know, I have been putting some new pieces in my day in order to be more positive and more productive in my life.  In this episode, we are going to chat about how and what and why I have added these things into my morning and easy ways you can do these things too!  

Habit Tracker

Sep 3, 2020

2020:  It's the worst.


Or is it?  I messed up.  I blamed things.  I am regrouping.  This episode is all about making that perspective shift from blame to awesome and going from bad to good.  It's not always easy or what we want, but it sure makes a difference.  I hope you love it. 

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